Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Now that's more like the weekly stats I like to see on my fitbit! Rocking it out and focusing on my 10,000 steps a day.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Challenge complete

Remember the other day when I said I was going to do the Jillian Michael's Card Challenge Workout? I did it! With a little help from my friends.  Audra, Molly and Jamie came over yesterday and did the workout with me.  I'm not going to lie, there were parts that were a bit brutal.  Like when you flip four diamond cards in a row and think if you do one more pushup, your arms might fall off.  But it went fast! We put on some music, i flipped the cards and blurted the meaning and away we went.  It was a great workouts. I am feeling it all over my booty and thighs today.  The reward for my friends going along with my crazy challenge?  I made them a healthy dinner.  Chipotle bbq turkey breast, mashed potatoes and fresh green beans.  We even took a short walk afterwards.  It was a great night.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Personal best

Finally, I am ahead of Kara in the steps for the week.  It took a lot.  How much you might ask?  This much!
I'm super proud of these numbers.  It's my highest steps for one day to date.  So boom! Lyndee likes that. And what else was awesome about this day?  I got to do many walks with numerous pals.  It never seems like "working out" when you are with somebody that's awesome.  So thanks to Audra, Melody and Molly for some great steps together last night.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Jillian Michaels Card Deck Challenge

A few of my close friends and I have an 'accountability' secret group page on FB where we can post our victories, share ideas, recipes, vent and generally just support each other on our goals to become healthier women. Today I threw down this challenge for the group.  And now I'm sharing it with you.  Here's the deal...deal...get it, deck of cards, deal...anyway...

Do this workout by the end of the day Monday, September 22nd. You have 4 days. No equipment needed, except a deck of cards. I'm going to change out squats for reverse crunches. When you finish, post a picture of you and your deck of cards. It will be fun!! 

You don't have to post a picture but it would be a lot cooler if you did.  But you can just comment when completed if you wish.  

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Walk the walk

It's been a while since I've had a great steps day.  I'm doing well at hitting my minimum of 10,000 most days but it's been some time since I felt like I kicked some butt.  Yesterday was one of those days.  Most of my lunch breaks are spent walking the downtown skywalks with my Aunt Melody.  On days our schedules don't mesh, I'm fortunate enough to work for a company that has lots of fitness equipment and classes in their on campus gym.

My home gym fun has been foiled by a rotten roof that leaked into the basement.  But that should be repaired sometime this week.

Summer in Iowa has come to an abrupt end and fall has set in.  To me, there's nothing better than jeans and sweatshirt weather.  Last night Audra and I did a few laps around Copper Creek and it was absolutely perfect out.  Today is supposed to be equally awesome weather-wise.  This weekend I'm trying to round up the troops to head to Ledges State Park and do some hiking and a picnic.  Fingers crossed it doesn't rain so I can finally get my hike on again.