I recently decided to make a conscious effort to eat better. Not like lean cuisines meals or any of that stuff. But clean, less processed, one ingredient stuff. It is the way our bodies process food as fuel the best. For the girl with a serious diet mt. dew and condiment addiction, a picky palate, this was a little scary to say the least. But I’m happy to report it’s actually going really well! I’ve found some awesome recipes that are not only healthy but insanely filling. Yes, I spend a few hours on Sunday afternoon meal prepping but it’s totally worth it. I dropped 5 pounds in the first week and feel like I have a lot more energy. I’m even eating whole wheat (homemade) bread. Say what??? If you want to try any of the recipes you can find them, along with many others, on my Testing Trendy 1, 2, 3 blog!